Reading – Time To Take A Look In The Mirror

Take time to review where you currently are on your path we call ‘life’. Are you where you want to be? Are you happy? Are you full of love and joy? If so, that is great! Keep moving forward by staying in the moment and being as positive as you can. If you answered ‘no’ then it’s time to evaluate your current situation and ask yourself some hard but necessary questions.
When we look at our lives and it’s not turning out how we had hoped it’s time to take a quick look in the mirror. We need to begin to take responsibility for our lives and the current path we are on. I’ve been there too believe me. I’ve said this wasn’t my fault it was the fault of my husband, my kids, my family, my co-workers, my boss, and so on. When I looked at the situation though, I realized I was the one that made the decisions that lead to the situation or event. I was also the one that was stuck in the negative victim mindset. At one point though, I felt how heavy the blame and self-doubt were. I felt how negative, deep, and dark the burden was of everything that I had been carrying around and I was tired of it.

How did I get out of that? I was tired of being tired, upset, angry, and negative. It wasn’t just affecting me but it was starting to affect the relationships around me. One day I decided enough was enough so I sat down with a piece of paper and had a deep conversation with myself. I would ask questions and then answer them honestly. I looked at the issues in my life and went down the list one by one. I tell you what I’ve never cried hard!
Each time I would answer a question I would cry and move to the next one. I no longer wanted to carry it with me so I decided to rip up the paper and throw it all away once I had completed walking through all the issues. I felt so much better. I felt as if the bags of all the negative stuff I had been carrying around was finally put down.

These are the steps I suggest if you want to go through the same exercise. Please note this will only work if you are 100% honest with yourself.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- What your state of mind is currently?
- Why do you feel you are in that state of mind?
- Acknowledge the situations, events, or circumstances for what they are.
- Ask yourself, if you stay in this mindset or mood what are the real consequences?
- If you felt better, what would that feel like?
- If you wanted a new relationship, career, or living environment what would that feel like?
Once you ask yourself these questions you need to let them go and refocus on the future. Stop being stuck in the emotions of the past. By being focused on the present moment you will begin to catch yourself when you drift off to the past or the fear of the future.
It’s time to refocus on the great things in your life. It’s time to refocus on who you truly are.
Published in Psychic